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I want characters with codes ranging from to to be displayed in font , size . Use hexadecimal base.


  1. You don't need to read this manual in order to operate Special Chars Tables. We believe the interface is intuitive.
  2. Table of special characters provides you with an opportunity to see characters within particular range of UTF-8 codes. Tables display only characters available in your web browser in a way determined by chosen font. Complete set of characters can be found at unicode website.
  3. Most commonly used fonts are: Arial, Arial Black, Book Antiqua, Bookman Old Style, Comic Sans MS, Courier, Courier New, Garamond, Georgia, Impact, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Unicode, MS Sans Serif, MS Serif, Palatino Linotype, Symbol, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Webdings, Wingdings.
  4. Note that technically character codes for UTF-8 range from 1 to 1114111. However, in most web browsers there are very few codes above 65535 that have meaningful graphic representations.
  5. Keep in mind that rendering a huge table may take a couple of seconds and may temporarily slow down your machine. If it's possible, try to avoid requesting tables greater than 10000 characters.
  6. Glyphs vary with respect to fonts and web browsers. Among most commonly used browsers, Internet Explorer 6 is the one that deals with UTF-8 encoding really poorly. It is recommended to upgrade a browser if you have IE6.
  7. You can input a range using hexadecimal base. You need to use '0x' prefix, e.g. '0xfe' stands for 254.
  8. Special Chars Tables can be used only with browsers supporting JavaScript.
  9. Send us any remarks that come to your mind!